

Male breast cancer accounts for less than one percent of all breast cancer diagnoses. 大约每833名男性中就有一人会在一生中患上乳腺癌. 相比, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

2人以上,700 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year and approximately 530 men die from the disease, 根据 美国癌症协会. 相比, 约287,2022年将有850名女性被确诊,43名女性被确诊,250人会死, 根据相同的 统计数据. Male breast cancer is most common in older men, though it can occur at any age.



  • 乳房组织中的无痛肿块或增厚
  • Changes to the skin covering your breast, such as dimpling, puckering, redness or scaling
  • Changes to your nipple, such as redness or scaling, or a nipple that begins to turn inward
  • 乳头分泌物.



Make an appointment with your provider if you have any persistent signs or symptoms stated above or have other changes that worry you.


Some men inherit abnormal (mutated) genes from their parents that increase the risk of breast cancer.
几个基因中的一个发生突变, 尤其是一种叫做BRCA2的基因, 让你有更大的患病风险

大多数男性乳腺癌不是由遗传因素引起的. 然而,了解一个男人的家庭
history can be informative and help guide decisions regarding the need for 基因检测. 暴露在
胸部放射治疗, as well as conditions that increase levels of estrogen—such as obesity—
还有哪些因素会影响男性患乳腺癌的风险.  阅读下面更多关于风险因素的信息.


老年. 随着年龄的增长,患乳腺癌的风险也会增加. Male breast cancer is most often diagnosed in men in their 60s (median age is 63).

接触雌激素. 如果你服用雌激素相关药物, 比如用于前列腺癌的激素疗法, 你患乳腺癌的风险就会增加.

有乳腺癌家族史. 如果你的近亲患有乳腺癌, 你更有可能患上这种疾病.

细精管发育不全综合征. This genetic syndrome occurs when boys are born with more than one copy of the X chromosome. 克氏综合症导致睾丸发育异常. 结果是, men with this syndrome produce lower levels of certain male hormones (androgens) and more female hormones (estrogens).

肝脏疾病. 一定条件下, 比如肝硬化, 能减少男性荷尔蒙,增加女性荷尔蒙吗, 增加患乳腺癌的风险.

肥胖. 肥胖与体内雌激素水平升高有关, 哪些因素会增加男性患乳腺癌的风险.

睾丸疾病或手术. Having inflamed testicles (orchitis) or surgery to remove a testicle (orchiectomy) can increase your risk of male breast cancer.





Your doctor may conduct a number of diagnostic tests and procedures, such as:

临床乳腺检查. Your provider uses his or her fingertips to examine your breasts and surrounding areas for lumps or other changes. 医生会评估肿块的大小, 他们的感受, 以及它们离你的皮肤和肌肉有多近.
成像测试. 成像测试 create pictures of your breast tissue that allow our breast radiologists to identify abnormal areas. For men aged 25 and older, initial imaging includes digital mammography/tomosynthesis. A mammogram (X-ray) of both breasts is typically performed in symptomatic men. Mammography is highly sensitive and specific in distinguishing benign from malignant disease. 与乳房x光检查相结合, ultrasound is often useful in assisting with management decisions and to facilitate ultrasound guided core biopsy when needed.

取出乳腺细胞样本进行检测(穿刺活检). A biopsy is the only definitive way to make a diagnosis of breast cancer. 在活检过程中, the breast radiologist uses a specialized needle device guided by ultrasound or x- ray to sample a core of tissue from the suspicious area.

Biopsy samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis where our expert pathologist determines whether the cells are cancerous. A biopsy sample is also analyzed to determine the type of cells involved in the breast cancer, 癌症的侵袭性(等级), and whether the cancer cells have hormone receptors or other receptors that may influence your treatment options.
Other tests and procedures may be recommended depending on your particular situation.


Since the cause of most breast cancers is not known, there is no known way to prevent them. But there are some things a man can do to lower his risk of breast cancer:

达到并保持健康的体重: Both increased body weight and weight gain as an adult are linked with a higher risk of breast cancer. And since being overweight or obese is linked with an increased risk for several cancers, the 美国癌症协会 recommends you stay at a healthy weight throughout your life and avoid excess weight gain by balancing your food intake with physical activity.

避免或限制饮酒: 饮酒会增加女性患乳腺癌的风险. Even low levels of alcohol intake have been linked with an increase in risk. Alcohol use is linked with several cancers and is the third most important preventable risk factor for cancer. 最好不要喝酒. For men who do drink, they should have no more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day.

积极锻炼身体: Many studies have shown that moderate to vigorous physical activity is linked with lower breast cancer risk in women, 以及许多其他类型的癌症. The 美国癌症协会 recommends that adults get at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous intensity activity each week (or a combination of these), 最好是在一周内进行. 达到或超过300分钟的上限是理想的.

现在, the best strategies for reducing the number of deaths caused by this disease are early detection and prompt treatment. 早期发现对男性来说是个问题, 谁可能没有注意到乳房肿块, 或者只有当肿块变大时才去看医生. In general, men are diagnosed with breast cancers at more advanced stages than are women. 还记得, annual screening mammography is recommended in women beginning at age 40, 导致女性癌症更早被发现.
To read more about other ways to reduce your cancer risk in general, such as keeping physically active and following a healthy eating pattern, 看到 美国癌症协会 guideline for diet and physical activity for cancer prevention.

Men diagnosed with male breast cancer at an early stage have a good chance for a cure. 治疗通常包括手术切除乳房组织. 其他的治疗方法, 比如化疗和放疗, 可以根据您的具体情况推荐吗.


Men diagnosed with male breast cancer at an early stage have a good chance for a cure. 治疗通常包括手术切除乳房组织. 其他的治疗方法, 比如化疗和放疗, 可以根据您的具体情况推荐吗.